A Five Year Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Laws (B.A.LL.B.) Programme

Nepal Law Campus has a five year B.A.LL.B. Programme. Those students who have completed +2 or equivalent can apply for this programme. There are seventy seats only for two sections, 35 students for each section. Twenty two seats are reserved for vulnerable and minorities groups and for foreigners, such as  four for woman, four for Indigenous/Janjati group, four for Madheshi, two for Dalit, two for disable, two for backward area and four for foreigner, for admission purpose. Nepal Law Campus does not exempt admission fee or tuition fees or any types of fees, and it does not provide any privilege to these students who are eligible for admission in such reserved quotas.

But, there is project of scholarship, funded by UN Women Nepal Office and later succeeded by UNDP Nepal office under the Rule of Law and Human Rights Programme for such types of vulnerable and minorities groups. They were selected on the basis of interview and merit list of entrance exam result. This scholarship is for the batch of 2070/71 and it shall continue for five years for this batch.

This programme is conducted in full fees scheme as self sustained programme. The language of instruction and examination is in English and it is mandatory requirement. This is a complete and full time five years course. Students must be dedicated & be regular in whole five years course and must be presented in each class. Minimum 80 % attendance is must to attain the final exam. Classes will be conducted in day time. A teaching period is of 1 hour for each class. The number of classes arefour hours for 100 marks and 2 hours for 50 marks in a week.

Teaching methods consist of lecture, case study, discussion, question-answer, problem solving, research, seminar, workshop, tutorial and self-study. The important feature of teaching include inter-disciplinary approaches, participatory and instructional materials which include power point, overhead projector, white board, note books, teaching guides, case materials etc. as required. Annual examination system is applied for this programme.